Our in-house welding facilities, some of which are automated, give greater control and tracking of finished articles to enable on-time deliveries to our customers. Our workshop is equipped with fully automated MIG, Robot MIG and TIG, Projection, Spot and Rotary welding systems, providing a flexible range of assembly options.
Nut Verification Systems (NVS) are installed on all resistance welders to ensure:
- Up to 30 nuts per minute
- Single or dual feeding
- Prevents welding the incorrect nut and welding upside down nuts.
- Detects missing nuts/workpiece
- Detects double workpiece under nut
Each welder is also equipped with:
- Computer controlled quality system, recording every weld
- Digitally controlled pressure regulation
We are currently investigating a PQS system for each welder. This will give instant reduction in material and labour costs, as in process inspection intervals can be significantly reduced; cost effective quality and process management, availability of all key process and QA data for quick response in the event of an error.